We take pride in ourselves and our appearance. Rushden Primary Academy has strict guidelines on school dress and all primary pupils are expected to wear the full Academy uniform. The wearing of our distinctive uniform gives pupils a sense of ‘belonging’, helps foster pride in the Academy and stops pupils coming to school in inappropriate clothing or footwear.
School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student body. These factors contribute to students’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers. Uniform removes the points of difference between students, thus unifying the student body and providing a greater focus on academic work.
Wearing a uniform sets a boundary by placing a pupil in a ‘working environment’ mindset and helps them separate their home and school life. School uniform places children on a level playing field, reducing the pressure to wear the latest fashionable brands.
Our uniform is supplied by Price & Buckland and can be ordered online - simply click on the icon below to set up a customer account and place your order. Delivery will be either to the Academy free of charge or to your home address for a small fee. Please place orders by 1 August for the start of each academic year.
A guide on how to order, including a sizing guide, is attached below.
The Academy recognises the financial constraints put on some families in the current climate, so this policy has been adapted to include universal alternatives to the branded uniform. Branded fashion clothing is not permitted at the Academy unless it is a dress-down day. If you are in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant or are simply struggling to provide appropriate uniform for your child, and would like assistance in this, please speak to the school office.
Support with where to buy non-academy branded uniform can be found with the Uniform Policy, which has been sourced to show our commitment to our duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable and in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.
Reception and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 Uniform
- Academy polo shirt with logo and collar with stripes or plain white polo shirt
- Grey trousers or skirt or pinafore dress (jeans and cords are not allowed)
- Academy pullover or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
- Grey socks with trousers, grey or white socks or plain tights with skirts
- Sensible black shoes
- Academy book bag
- A warm coat (not denim) for travelling to and from the Academy
The Year 5 and 6 Uniform
- Plain white school shirt (not polo shirts)
- Academy tie
- Suitable grey trousers or skirt or pinafore dress (jeans and cords are not allowed)
- Academy pullover or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
- Grey socks with trousers, white or grey socks or plain tights with skirts.
- Sensible black shoes
- Academy book bag
- A warm coat (not denim) for travelling to and from the Academy
PE Kit:
- Black shorts with the Academy logo
- Purple sports polo shirt with black panels and Academy logo
- Purple sports hoodie with Academy logo
- Black joggers
Black or white trainers