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Primary Academy

Physical Education

Our PE lead is Miss Tamsin Pratt.

By promoting our school ethos of ‘Respect Pride, Achieve’, together with our Red Kite values, our young people will have the character traits, knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world.

All children participate in PE lessons twice-weekly, both inside and outside (using the playground or sports field). Lessons are taught both by teachers and specialist PE coaches. 


C: We develop culture through reflection on inventions and products from around the globe.   

H: We develop health through exploration of foods and diet.  

A: We develop aspiration by creating and evaluating appealing products for the modern world.  

I: We develop identity by encouraging independence through designing a variety of purposeful products.  

R: We develop relationships through team building activities that develop communication and life skills.  


At RPA, we follow Primary PE Planning (PPP) scheme of work which supports all areas of the PE curriculum and supports children to develop a variety of sport skills. 

PPP - A teaching resource, created by teachers

Primary PE Planning has been developed by teachers for teachers. Our resources support primary schools to deliver fun, high quality and sustainable PE lessons. 

The scheme of work we teach from is Primary PE Planning:


Outcomes for pupils in PE

We believe in giving all pupils the opportunity to discover and develop their physical potential through a balanced and developmental programme of activities. Physical Education is a vital component in the development of children’s physical, emotional health and well-being. In addition to sporting expertise, we want our children to develop qualities which are transferrable across all areas; enjoyment, communication, team-work and co-operation. We believe in allowing children to apply skills, knowledge, and concepts; to recognise, celebrate progression and achievement. We believe that links with sporting bodies, clubs, and the provision of extra-curricular activities organised by the school, creates positive experiences and the recognition of children’s achievements outside school, promotes an awareness of the value of physical activity for all children.


We aim for our PE lessons to include challenges for all pupils, which involve developing:

• A sense of accomplishment and achievement.

• Learning something new and wanting to learn more.

• Physical well-being.

• A feeling of independence.

• Wanting to perform well and with imagination and flair.

• Skills of co-operation through working as a team player.

• The ability to evaluate our skills and the skills of others to progress.


We see the above as essential to developing and maintaining high standards of PE in our school.


At RPA we follow the National Curriculum Programme of study