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Primary Academy



Following our recent inspection on 28th and 29th February 2024, I am thrilled to inform you that Rushden Primary Academy has retained its good judgement. We are all very pleased with the outcome of the inspection and the content of the report. The inspector was very complimentary about our school and pupils.

'Rushden Primary Academy is a thriving school. Pupils are happy and safe here.'

Ofsted 2024


This inspection was a two-day, section 8 inspection, designed to re-affirm a school’s grading following its previous section 5 inspection. For us, this was June 2018.

A snapshot of the feedback that we received:

  • Rushden Primary Academy is a thriving school. Pupils are happy and safe here.
  • The school has set out a curriculum designed to help all pupils to reach high standards.
  • The school has worked hard to ensure that there is an ambitious curriculum, in all subjects for all pupils. This begins in the early years with a range of opportunities provided to lay the foundations children need for later learning.
  • Pupils achieve well.
  • Staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.
  • Pupils are courteous and polite. They move around the school in a respectful manner.
  • Lessons are calm and pupils concentrate well on their learning.
  • High-quality texts are included in the English curriculum. Pupils experience literature from a range of cultures.
  • Pupils can describe how the school is helping them improve and get better at their work.
  • The school creates opportunities for pupils to think about their future ambitions.
  • Pupils play well together at playtime.
  • The school works hard to support and help its families. Parents and carers value the pastoral support that the school gives its pupils.
  • Pupils are very clear about the school rules for behaviour. Pupils understand the values that underpin the rules of ‘respect, pride and achieve’. They agree that the rules are fair.


I would like to thank everyone who completed Ofsted’s Parent View survey. This is such valuable feedback, and we have read every comment to continue to make the school the best that it can be for your children.

Thank you once again for all the support you continue to give the school. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lindsay Edwards


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Parent View

Parent View is an online questionnaire that allows parents and carers to give their views about their child’s school at any time. It is also the main mechanism for parents to give their views about their child’s school to inspectors at the time of a school inspection.

The questionnaire can be accessed directly from the Parent View site at or from the home page of Ofsted website at

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